Popov, Arnaudov & Partners

    Background: Popov, Arnaudov & Partners is an law firm with over 20 years of experience. In the end of 2018 we started our partnership.

    Challenge: The law firm didn’t have as strong of a presence in the media.

    Approach: We created a full communication strategy for their presence in both traditional and digital media, consulted them on social responsibility and created a CSR campaign by measure for the firm. We also support them in their internal communications approach and employer branding.

    Result: As part of the partnership between the law firm and Havas we have designed and organized different events. Each of them is aimed towards a different specific audience – media events, business networking events for potential partners and clients, public seminars for students, and private – internal events and partner events.

    The result of the execution of our communication strategy and the specialized events has increased the recognition of the law firm and has shown the expertise of its specialists and the services “Popov, Arnaudov & Partners” have to offer.

    Through our work we manage to position the experts of the firm as the preferred specialists to give their opinion and expertise on all law-related topics in the media. They inform the audiences on new law changes and topics of interests.

    Within 6 months of our partnership, “Popov, Arnaudov & Partners” are now known as experts whose opinion is valued by the media and by all current and potential clients.
